Help Zane Get Silly Kidneys Pillows to Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock!


We need your help!  Our friend Zane would like to help his kidney friends at Arkansas Children’s Hospital get Silly Kidneys pillows to life their spirits.  He would like to send at least 10 pillows!!

Zane is one amazing little boy! His mom, Brandy, shares, “Zane was diagnosed with kidney disease when he was just 1.5 years old - we later found out he had genetic nephrotic syndrome - NPHS2. Which would mean one day he was going to need a kidney transplant. His kidneys started fail spring of 2019 and he was transplant February of 2020!! He has had a kidney pillow with him on trips to the hospital and he still sleeps with one every night. We would love to bring some more up to Arkansas Childrens for other kidney patients!”


Here's how you can help:


  • SHARE! SHARE! SHARE!  We need your help to spread the word.  Help Zane reach his goal by sharing this fundraiser with your friends + family!